Wednesday, June 8, 2011

The Ereader of My Dreams

So in this task we are to blog about the ereader that we would be inclined to purchase if we were in the market for such a thing. I would have to say that something with more options that just reading a electronic book fits my fancy more. Say I was reading a ebook and I came across something that I wanted to know more about. It would be nice to be able to go immediately to the internet on said device without having to get out my laptop. That being said I think that my purchase choice would have to be the Ipad 2. With this device I can access not only the iBooks store but the Kindle Store the Nook Store the Ereader store so essentially it is all the other ereaders bundled into one device. I would also be able to use this device for other things as well whether it be standard web surfing or typing up a paper for school. This device is also useful because it offers the option of video mirroring, which is the option to display whatever is on the ipad to any tv. This would be useful for parents reading books to their children just put it up on the tv so the whole family can see whats being read. As far as downloading to this device it can't be any simpler. All you have to do is go to the app store right on the device and download the overdrive media console app for FREE. Then you go to the app select get books, choose your library and then you can browse the ebook catalog. When you find a ebook that you want all you have to do is either put a hold on it or download it directly to the device without having to hook up to a computer or downloading adobe digital editions.